Carlsbad, CA
Gear, Accessories, Bubbler
How it works
We collaborate with trusted retailers in order to make sure your shopping experience is as smooth as possible.
For gear products, when you purchase from our shop or click through to a partner's website, the product(s) will be shipped by the brand. Weedland might earn an affiliate commission on gear products.
For regulated THC products, we refer you to a trusted retailer/delivery service where you can find and purchase the products you are looking for. All transactions are made through the referred dispensary’s checkout system.
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Experience Every Element.
Introducing Vessel Element, the first of its kind for dry herb connoisseurs. Crafted with the same technical precision and artful elegance you’d expect from Vessel, Element’s sleek form and innovative functionality delivers a new standard of excellence for glass bubblers – where every detail is designed to keep you in your element.
THE Details
- Precision-crafted in pure, non-toxic brass, anodized aluminum, and heat resistant borosilicate glass for a longer lifespan
- 6-piece design allowing for easy disassembly and cleaning
- Intended use for dry herb/flower
- Fits up to 2g of flower/herb
- 6 month warranty
- Designed in California
- Dimensions: 95mm H x 125mm L x 60mm W
- Weight: 175g

In their own words...
From the moment you pick up any Vessel product, you’ll feel and see the difference. You’ll obsess over its signature design and character. We’re inspired by creating unforgettable designs, simplicity being paramount to our approach. Our promise is to make every experience more expressive and personal, and to deliver the best performance in our line. Our collection is an honest display of our attention to detail and craftsmanship that’s second to none.