Cannabis Cocktail
Los Angeles, CA
Consumables, Edibles, Beverages
How it works
We collaborate with trusted retailers in order to make sure your shopping experience is as smooth as possible.
For gear products, when you purchase from our shop or click through to a partner's website, the product(s) will be shipped by the brand. Weedland might earn an affiliate commission on gear products.
For regulated THC products, we refer you to a trusted retailer/delivery service where you can find and purchase the products you are looking for. All transactions are made through the referred dispensary’s checkout system.
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Pamos Spritz are non-alcoholic, and infused with cannabis
THE Details
Available in:
- 2mg of Hemp-Derived THC and 2 CBD
- 5mg of Hemp-Derived THC and 2 CBD
- 10mg of Hemp-Derived THC and 2 CBD
Strarberry Margarita
Peach & Guava Bellini
Rasberry Long Island Iced Tea
Tropical Mai Tai
In their own words...
Top shelf cocktails and spirits are developed by professional mixologists to deliver a familiar drinking experience. Pamos Cocktails & Spirits come in a range of doses for every kind of consumer, giving you the ability to build your buzz and stay social with multiple cocktails.